In my previous lesson we learnt about the ATPPC system. It is an energy system inside of your body. ATPPC is broke in to two pieces inside the body; PPP & PC. PPP breaks in to 1 P and releases energy. PC is made up of Creatine & Phosphate. PC then breaks in to 1 P aswell. Both P's join together and forms extra energy. Then when it is pushed to its limit it breaks, and that break releases a bit more energy too. Some of the energy released in the break goes to the muscles, but the energy left over is used to restart the whole ATPPC cycle again. The whole cycle lasts 10 seconds. Once the ATPPC system has ran out, the body uses a different system, it switches over to the lactic acid system.. The lactic acid system consists of Glucose (sugar.) Glycolysis is stored inside the muscles and is used once the ATPPC system has ran out. The lactic acid system helps you last in excercise for ruffly 40-60 seconds. After that, lactic acid builds up in your muscles and makes them hurt. That is why when you usually excercise, after a minute or so your body begins to hurt, but its lactic acid building up inside of your muscles. You need lots of oxygen to help break up the lactic acid so it'll go away and stop hurting.
We investigated it by going to the gym and doing various excercises. We did push ups, pull ups, running for 12 minutes, lifting weights and pushing weights. This helped us know which system we was using at the time of excercise. For example, if we lasted more than 10 seconds on one excercise, then we know that our ATPPC system wasn't being used.
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